November 3, 2011

A Quick Peek, As of November 2011

As some of you might remember, I posted a blog a while ago (partially) revealing how my list of Designs that Need Doing was looking as of that time. Currently, it is looking something like this;

Designs that Need Doing:

* I saw a gun in her hand (LIGHTS)
* Food pyramid
* Devil dog beta type
* Next needs up (demon)
* Any backstabber
* Any blood burst
* (something with spiders!)
* A spider ate my homework!
* 4 Horse Men
* Davilaisms
* Cupid Kills (Male/Female)
* [omitted] Ninja (!!)
* "The Creation of Next"
* "I'm [omitted]"
* [omitted] can be deceiving
* NEXT's face
* Next Needs Up spider's face
* Girl with headphones, and [omitted]
* NEXT NEEDS UP tribal
* You can't [omitted]

...yeah. I know.

These are all either very general, or censored to the point of illegibility, but it's for a reason. As I mentioned in the previous "quick peek" post, I'm kind of protective of my ideas, and more so if I feel like they're pretty original, so that is what's behind the omissions. Sure, some are spelled out pretty clearly, but for those I believe that either no one would be able to figure out what I mean by that, or that no one would visualize it in the same manner, thus making them irrelevant to protect.

Something I feel I should note, is that I've created designs since that were never on this list. They were designs which I felt inspired to create right there and then, and literally did, so I had no reason to scribble them down on the list. Others, which are text based, I've already begun working on, and left saved for later. Their nature of starting out as lines of text made it so that I simply opened a new Illustrator file, pasted or wrote in the text, saved them, and closed them out for later.

I can't tell exactly what design my next blog will be going over, since....well, I'll have to look at the design creation chronology to figure out which is next in line, but I can say a little about the design I will be working on next, and the image to the right, used only for research (and not referencing) purposes, is one of the obscure hints that I am willing to give at this time. It's going to be a pain in the ass, and I don't know exactly when I will be done.

The reason being that I will be trying to make a very modular, almost global design. It's very obsessive, this idea, but I don't feel right making it otherwise. So, as you might know, the thing with modularity is that many parts have to be made in preparation, and just the thought of that is what I'm hung up on at the moment. I'll probably get over it once I actually start to crank it out. Currently, I'm still stuck in the drafting stage, concepting, brainstorming, researching, consulting with artist friends,and deciding what the best route forward will be.

(I write a lot, don't I?)

Anywho, that's about as much obscure nonsense as I feel like writing for today. Stay tuned. Things should get interesting! Carry on for now.

J, out...