I just wanted to make a quick "heads up" post. I want to keep this one short because the tips of my fingers and nails are hurting quite a bit right now. I was at the beach earlier today, and while digging a hole with my bare hands, found out just how tightly packed the sand is down there. Like...WOW! I think I almost ripped my nails off trying to break through it! I can see under there a little, and...it looks kinda red in there. I'm thinking about going and dipping my finger tips in rubbing alcohol. Man, that's gonna burn though... It shouldn't have surprised me that the sand was packed so tightly though, with around 67% of folk in our great country being overweight or obese!.....
Huh.... Did not see that random rant coming. Let's get back on track....
This, is about the brand. It just so happens that I have redesigned it twice since that post was made. It makes me laugh a little that after much brain storming, and lots of trial and error and tinkering, the design that I reached in the end was the simplest. The title of this post is something that I need to remind myself of, should I run into problems like this in the future. A fault of mine is that, sometimes, I fall into some sort of obsession with the details and become overly focused on things that are, essentially, unimportant. I need to learn to step back and give my brain a chance to focus outwards, on the Big Picture.
This seems like a lot to write for a "non-post", but I guess I just felt like some self-disclosure tonight. Truth is, this "journal" is as much about the artist as it is about the designs, since neither exists exclusive of the other, and the latter is wholly dependent on the former. Let's cut this short here before it dives deeper into the theoretical and philosophical. I could go on about things of the sort for an eternity. Y'all carry on...
J, out!
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