(...I would sell you my t-shirts for one dollar)
Anyone out there ever watch Speed Grapher? Yeah, it was an interesting anime, and blah blah blah, but what really stuck with me was the antagonist's motive, and it was something that I could relate to. (Not his life experiences, but that) He HATED money. He hated the greed and all of the harm that it was doing to the world. As a man, I can relate to that. I hate the idea that much of my adult life, and probably the rest of it, has been one were I am in pursuit of money, always having to play some game by someone else's rules to just be able to continue living in this society. Of course I've done other things with my life in this time. I feel like I've accomplished much at my age (don't worry, I won't go on some war and post-traumatic growth story telling rampage), but I still feel like most of my life will be spent pursuing and acquiring money just so that I can have the means to do the things that really matter to me.
And, Hell, it's really sad seeing and meeting people who's only pursuit in life is getting money. What kind of a life is that? How is it possible to become so nearsighted that we see money itself as the end goal? It's very sad. Makes me think of the protagonist in Fight Club. Until the point when his apartment gets blow up, his only purpose in life seemed like earning money just to buy belongings, and for what? Now, don't get me wrong. I see nothing wrong with furniture, that's not the point. Actually, I don't know what the point is. This consumerist society just gets to me, I guess.
But, back to the title, because I think (ha! "I think", he says) I had something to say there. What I'm getting at is that I want to make my designs available for cheap. The truth is that I don't expect to get rich off of this. Hell, I don't even expect to make this a "secondary" income. It's really no income at all. I just like the idea of people wearing my art, my ideas, and getting my name out there. Maybe this is some sort of weird, twisted ego sort of thing, but I don't think so.
Not to rag on anyone else but a, like, $5.00 commission on a design that is far from original seems a little steep to me. I guess I'm not trying to make a living off of this, so maybe I should just step off. Like I mentioned before though, all I'm interested in is proliferating, spreading, my ideas and my designs. So with that in mind, I will be keeping the cost of the commissions for my designs at $1. Will the t-shirts cost more? Of course. Spreashirt needs to cover the costs for running their website, their printing machinery, the apparel itself, the printing, and so on. If we lived in an ideal world though, a buck is all you'd pay. Ha, that probably doesn't do much for anyone, but I thought I'd get that out there.
This post was really just to explain the pricing of my designs. For more specific info on the pricing of items and how much cost designs add check this section out. That's all I had for that one. Until next time!
JR, out!
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